Tutorial: Developing an angular app driven by tests

Veröffentlicht Schreibe einen KommentarVeröffentlicht in Angular, TDD

This article is a tutorial for developing Angular applications driven by tests (TDD). Introduction For a long time graphical user interfaces of complex systems were made of solid and heavy weighted technologies of higher developed, object oriented programming languages. Mostly UIs have been fat clients, developed with WPF or Swing. Just rarely they were thin […]

Test strategies when developing redux stores in angular apps driven by tests

Veröffentlicht Schreibe einen KommentarVeröffentlicht in Angular, Redux, TDD, Web Development

I generally develop angular applications driven by tests. That works well, but when using redux in my projects (currently ngrx, but also angular/redux), there are several different aspects to consider when testing and developing stores and feature/fractal-stores, driven by tests. Intend The issue is to find a good strategy to test and develop driven by […]

Replicate immutable data in typescript with the ReplicationBuilder

Veröffentlicht 1 KommentarVeröffentlicht in Uncategorized

The ReplicationBuilder is a typescript tool to clone immutable data objects in a typesafe, refactorable and well readable way. In our single page applications we often use different implementations of redux to handle our application state. The more complex the data structures become, the more complex becomes the code that handles the immutable states when […]